The Attic Is The Secret Living Space

atticWhen the interior design of a house comes in question, in most of the cases a home’s attic is not considered a room.

Usually forgotten or used to store boxes with old things and souvenirs, the attic can represent a potential living space when you are set to do house remodeling and you are not prepared to invest in a new house.

When you decide to remodel the attic into a loft, you have to go beyond the idea that it refers strictly to the place you store your things, the favorite space of the mice and think about it like an elegant, welcoming space.

In order to do that there are three major aspects that need considering:

The ceiling of the attic has a special form (because of the bent roof) which reduces the space and makes it uncomfortable. If you know how to manipulate this form it can become an advantage.

That is why it is recommendable to paint the bent part in a warm color such as orange and yellow in order to get a welcoming atmosphere and to make it look spacious.

The larger the windows are the most spectacular is the result. In the case that the wall structure does not allow large windows, many small windows give the same effect.

The windows give the impression of space and bring light into the attic.

The furniture has to be minimalist and must be chosen to fit the dimensions of the attic and not turn it into an over crowded space. You have to consider the functionality of the furniture and use light, bright colors in order to get an amazing light effect.


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